When do you want to travel?

Galapagos boutique yachts offers an intimate and no-frills chic boat environment for exploring the enchanted Islands onboard our fleet of boutique yachts.

Our boutique yachts differentiate themselves from larger cruise boats or expedition ships by providing an exceptional and personalized level accommodation, services and facilities.

Our boutique yachts are furnished in a stylish and aspirational manner. Although considerably smaller than other larger vessels in the Islands our Galapagos yachts are fitted with twin or double cabins with private bathrooms, hot water showers, air conditioning, comfortable social areas for dining, nature lectures, bar & lounge and observation decks. Guest services are attended to by 24 hour hotel staff.

Most visitors to Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands are discerning travelers, who place a high importance on privacy, comfort, value and service delivery. Our market segment is referral-rich, non-seasonal, high-yielding and repeat, and therefore one which adventure tour operators and wholesalers interested in selling Galapagos cruises can benefit from by using our services.

Our fleet offers the best price / quality ratio in the Galapagos Islands, with exceptional customer service to create top quality experiences at mid-range prices. Our no-frills chic boats are in many ways a natural evolution of Galapagos tourism, creating a no-frills chic experience will win over some of the most cost-conscious consumers, and lure other customers away from the traditional luxury ship market.

Boutique with affordable rates, making it a poster child for Galapagos Islands no-frills chic cruising. In other words:

  • Who says you can't have a great guide, delicoius cuisine, a safe and comfortable boat on a budget?
  • Why miss out on close wildlife encounters, enriching nature lectures, a great itinerary and well-planned shore excursions?
Galapagos Seaman Journey

The educated traveler seeks the best experience while staying in comfortable cabins and not overpaying for excessive luxury in an ecotourism environment.

With consumers caring less about certain status symbols, the low cost revolution is here to stay, yet so is the need for esthetic pleasure and experience. The reason a brand like Galapagos Boutique Yachts is important to Galapagos Tourism has to do with its power to change consumer expectations. Frugal consumers will like the chic experience at virtually no extra costs, dumping no-chic low cost offerings. And old-style 'luxury' consumers may be tempted to forego more expensive, traditional products and services. We offer you: the tour operator, wholesaler and travel agent a new species of Galapagos Islands tours on board custom designed yachts outfitted for the archipelago and for reaching the most remote areas of the National Park.

Browse through our website and see what Galapagos Boutique Yachts has to offer for your important passengers. We offer premium level commissions for you and carefree intimate vacations for your customer, a succesful combination that will bring in repeat business and referral bookings.

No-frills chic has reached the Galapagos Islands and we at Galapagos Boutique Yachts invite you to spread the word of mouth.