8 days B Itinerary

8 days B Itinerary

Day by day

Day 1 : San Cristobal Island: Jacinto Gordillo Breeding Center & Puerto Chino

You will arrive at San Cristobal Island in the morning. After going through immigration and baggage claim you will be met by a Galaven staff member and transferred to the yacht. You’ll be shown to your cabin where you will have some time to settle in before lunch and a welcome briefing.

The Jacinto Gordillo Breeding Center is a new visitor site in the northeast part of San Cristóbal Island and takes approximately one hour by road from Puerto Baquerizo Moreno. At the Breeding Center, you will be able to admire the hatchling turtles, from their birth until they are 4 years old when the grown turtles are taken to their natural habitat.

In the afternoon you will visit Puerto Chino located 15,2 miles (24.5 km) away from Puerto Baquerizo Moreno and a few miles from the Breeding Center Cerro Colorado, this walk takes approximately 30 minutes to the beach.


Day 2 : Santa Fe Island & South Plaza Island

Your morning visit is to Santa Fe Island (Barrington) which is home to the small picturesque bay and anchorage on the  island’s northeast coast. The bay has two visitor trails: one leading to a scenic viewpoint atop a cliff, and the other spanning from a small beach to a tall prickly pear cactus forest.

In the afternoon, you will head to South Plaza Island. This small island with steep cliffs was formed by rising lava and is now covered by Opuntia cacti. It is also home to one of the largest sea lion colonies as well as colorful yellow and red land iguanas. The most characteristic plant is Sesuvium. During the rainy season, its color is a greenish to yellowish tone and in the dry season (end of June through January) a bright red.



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